Evision App

UX/UI Design
Mobile App

Intuitive, useful, and full of features. Signature Equipovision is a company that helps people start or grow their business. Tasked to redesign their mobile app in order to make it more user friendly and introduce new tools to users.

My Role
Lead UX/UI Designer
January 2021

Paulo R. (Lead Developer)

Adrian H. (Front-end Developer)

Mirna J. (Back-end Developer)




My Role
Lead UX/UI Designer
January 2021

Paulo R. (Lead Developer)

Adrian H. (Front-end Developer)

Mirna J. (Back-end Developer)






In 2020 I was tasked to redesign Equipo Vision mobile app, from the ground up, with the goal of emphasizing user-friendliness and accessibility to their user base of 100,000+ users and growing. Creating harmony and simplicity for all its users to be able to have an enjoyable experience throughout.

Samples screens of old app design.

Problem Statement. Speaking with key individuals and with the CEO, I was able to understand what are the goals and new features to be introduced (specifically audiobooks and ebooks), but I also needed view what the needs of the users. Based on the high volume of calls that were received and analytics that were left on both Google and App Store I was able to understand more in-depth about the users.

Users need a way to easily and quickly access their digital content to be able to learn and thrive in their businesses because currently it is to difficult for many to find certain content and to learn new features, which leads to frustration.

Research &


Starting out I did a heuristic evaluation on the current app to understand problems and frustrations. Some drawbacks were repetitive actions or screens, navigation menu is hidden, saturation of information, and buttons being to close to one another with not enough of a large touch target.

Heuristic Evaluation.

Who are our users?

Being able to attend a few seminars and events with about 1,500 to 2,000 people helped me to conduct user interviews and user surveys to be able to understand the users needs, demographics, problem they may be facing currently, etc.

Having done 1:1 interviews with 6 individuals who use the app I was able to divide them into 2 groups which where tech-savvy individuals and technologically challenged.

Sample questions and statements from questionnaire.
User personas based on 6 interviews.

Design Goals

With the data I was able to collect I then to moved and created design goals based on the users feedback. The overall goal is to design an easy-to-use, engaging, and low learning curve application so users can learn and thrive.

Analysis defining problems and design goals.

Priority of Features

After reviewing the insights from our interviews and data, we now have a solid understanding of the feature priorities, which helped shape the IA. With ease of use being the top priority, we've made it the central focus of the new application.

IA based on the priority of features.



Starting out my process I started a competitive analysis in order to bring insights into new features, user-flow, and possible solutions. While Equipo Vision has no direct competitors I did analyze companies that brings users digital content, ease of use of navigation, and user flows.

Competitive Analysis.

IA & User Flow

Creating a information architecture assisted in the organization and structure of the app. This help me see what screens are actually needed, what was being repetitive, and what would be the optimal work flow for the user. Also adding new features and tools so users may be able to achieve what they need to on their own.

In addition creating a user flow for one of the app's main function would help me understand how users would complete a objective and what they would need to accomplish it.

Information Architecture.
User flow on how to read their books.


Following up I started sketching low-fidelity wireframes to explore workflows, simplifying tasks, and bringing ease-of-use to the users. From there I moved to Figma to start mid-fidelity wireframes to start solidifying workflows and viewing the user-flow in order to start maturing the paths the users can take.

From here I also created a prototype in order to start a usability testing with unmoderated and moderated usability testing.

Low-fidelity wireframe sketches.
Mid-fidelity wireframes as well showing visual user flow.

Usability Testing

In this step of the process I conducted a test group were I was able to talk to current users of the application to test usability and learn more about their needs. A meeting was also conducted with the rest of the team with developers to review and understand their thoughts and feedback.

As the moderator in this gathering this was a great opportunity to test what I had developed and to received valuable feedback.

Sample Feedback from test group.

Design Iteration

From the test group we gained valuable feedback and from there iterated designs. Here we highlight some important updates.

Book Landing Section - Before
Book Landing Section - Updates Based on Feedback.



Once finalizing updates based on feedback I moved to the Ui design. I redesigned the branding to match and appeal more towards the demographic of young and older individuals with a focus of a simple and intuitive interface. This brought the app to both look and feel modernized with inline of representing the organization in a professional eye. Once I tackled these tasks I organized and peered review with the dev team to clarify question or concerns, regarding functions for certain sections.



Beginning of 2021 approximately 95% of users have migrated from the old app to the new app that is available in both Android and iOS. It was a shock since it was a big change, but a needed one. At one point consumers would call customer service en masse asking for assistance in performing the simplest task which has reduced. Approximately 100,000+ users are presently using the app thanks to immense reduction in interface issues.

Analyze again. I would actively view both analytic reports and comments to view and understand people needs and try to understand what needed to be improved or what is missing as it is being used. Overall, seeing my design and the work of the developers take shape was something that we are greatly proud of.

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